
Process Roadblocks

When a manufacturing team member needed to collaborate with the engineering team, traditionally they would need to schedule a meeting in person just to view, measure, print and interrogate drawings and assemblies. If they wanted to include a small supplier in a design review, they may face the challenge of limited design licenses.

With Alcove9 solutions, users upstream and downstream can find, view, and access data and drawings without having to disrupt authors of the native data, thus enhancing collaboration and improving design quality by allowing others within the company to easily view product data early during the design stages. Marketing, sales, accounting, manufacturing engineering, shop floor personnel, quality, inspection, any group outside the design group with occasional need for finding, viewing and printing drawings or 3D models can do without tying up licenses. Data is accessible regardless of its format across all business functions through the browser-based, UIA interface.

Alcove9 search engine solutions provide Unified Information Access (UIA) which help to eliminate process roadblocks

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